Senin, 30 April 2018

Top 10 CO-OP Games to Play With Your Wife, GF and SO

Top 10 CO-OP
What's good.. It's Fevir. Today I wanted to go over some great options...
For co-op games.. To play with your wife..

Your girlfriend.. Your significant other..
Maybe all 3 of them. Great co-op games can be rare.. And a lot
of the usual suspects for team oriented games..

Don't quite work when you want and need to
keep the tone while playing positive- and end on a good note. This is a list of games that.. Me and Skwert, me and wifey.. Have put together
from playing most co-op games we can get our hands on- she is a bit of a gamer herself.

A quick note about the list.. I'm disregarding MMORPGs- and most 1st party
games.. Like say.. Any co-op Nintendo Game..

Or even some of the Playstation titles just
to make the list more accessible for all.. Going through every Mario game one after another
could get boring. The list is also weird.. Because it is kind
of a top 10..

But is more accurately 2 separate top 5s, mine and hers.. Which will be indicated..
And there are also a ton of additional recommendations peppered within. To start the list off strong.. Castle Crashers.

Even single player.. This is on my list of
most unexpectedly.. Fun games. It has a great art style..

It is incredibly
noob friendly.. And most important.. Local co-op.. Or couch co-op.

Something you'll see a lot of this in this
list. There is incredible variety and as someone
who grew up visiting arcades.. This game.. More than most..

Captures that 4 joystick
to a machine.. Side scrolling casual beat-em-up feel better than most games. I want to also point out.. That the developers,
The Behemoth..

Also have a suite of other games.. Pit People, BattleBlock Theatre and Alien
Hominid- that all.. Do co-op.. So well.

In a similar type of art style and quality
level that make them almost auto recommends to anyone looking for a great game. You can't have a list about co-op games..
And not mention the giant catalogue of LEGO. Games. I truly believe that much like a mario game..

LEGO games are distilled.. Fun.. That play
well with other people. Those other people can be avid gamers..

gamers.. Young kids.. Adults.. It really is a one size fits all way to ..

Play. At this point there are a lot of titles..
And while I think most of them are worth playing.. I would have to rank the Lord of the Rings
and the Harry Potter series very high.. And the Indiana Jones and the Batman ones very

Orcs Must Die 2. This title.. I had to really sell to her to play.. It's
a 3rd person..

Tower defense game.. It comes off cartoony and a little cheesy.. In essence..
You are trying to stop waves and waves of Orcs.. And watching a youtube video of the

Doesn't do it justice. It seems very bleh.. But as she found out..
Being in the game.. Was incredibly different.

The levels are designed for co-op.. It's mindless
fun where you're laughing and it's goofing off.. But more than anything.. There is a
strong understated gameplay of relying on the other..

You grab left spawn.. I'll grab right. Holler if you need help and reacting with
good communication when shit ends up hitting the fan.. And then reassessing a strategy
if you fail..

Which you might not.. Because the difficult is pretty meh. We both went into the game thinking not much
of it.. But then our major criticism was that the game didn't have enough levels- we wanted
more // We tried to get that same feel from Dungeon Defenders and Sanctum- both games..
That are good..

But really didn't do it the same as Orcs Must Die... The only game that
got close.. Was Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare.. Which I think hit a little harder just because
we're familiar with the IP.

Shifting to a completely different genre..
The shooter.. Let's talk Borderlands 2. There seems to be magic in the second installment
of games. For people who somehow haven't played the
Borderlands series..

These are loot  and shoot games. Action RPGs with guns... Many different types
of guns.. Guns with different stats..

And elements.. Shot by characters.. Characters
with unique skills that you can build individually.. That all funnel into killing stuff..

And as
we get better stuff.. The damage from our guns and abilities.. Goes up.. And up..

up. Borderlands 2 was one of the best meldings
of RPG and Shooter that has come around.. It's a shooter that people who don't like
shooters.. Might like..

And because of the graphics style.. It's aged.. Ok.. And much
like a lot of the games that she found fun..

It's a game that doesn't take itself seriously..
At all. Sticking with the ARPG.. Diablo 3.. Console edition.

Now I enjoy the PC version.. I think a lot of people do.. Even the people
with strong opinions about the game.. A lot of which turn out to be negative..

I think stem not from a failure of the title,
as is.. But frustration that it isn't updated and supported to the same extent that they
want.. Or that other games are. Regardless..

The console edition of Diablo
3.. Plays and feels like an entirely different game. Again.. Much like a lot on this list..

co-op.. Incredibly controller support.. And winds up feeling like a next gen Gauntlent
Game.. Which side note- great games- and it just works.

The game has a lot of it rebuilt for console..
Whether it's the interface or the gameplay.. Which makes it much different than just playing
the PC version with a controller.. It just feels so fluid and simple.. And pure.

If you were to play on PC.. I'd suggest probably Torchlight 2. Next we have.. The Rayman games..

Rayman Origins and Rayman Legends. These are my least favorite games on the list..
Yet some of her favorites. Rayman games are great platformers in their
own right.. In fact they are a great example of modern platforming games..

And are designed
well for co-op. Again.. The aesthetic and the art style, the
music.. It's almost..

Jovial in tone.. That she loved. Her big take away from the game is that it
felt fair. If we died it wasn't due to some cheap obstacle..
And very little stress on personal performance.

As long as you end the level.. Your score
gets added together.. And it doesn't feel like you beat the other person.. You beat
the level together..

Equally. Which is more important if there is a mismatch
in the gaming ability of the two players. Another great platformer is next on the list. Trine 2.

This is a different take on the platform genre
than Rayman. Also.. Yes, Trine 3 is out.. But Trine 2 was
the winner for me in this trilogy.

There are very few games that I would say
are beautiful.. This one definitely is on that list though. As a platformer.. This is more..

Puzzle oriented. Playing around in an almost physics based
sandbox to deal with puzzles.. And more importantly.. A ton of interactions between characters with
their unique strengths..

To enable different methods of clearing levels. The constant back and forth of.. Hey babe
can you do X.. Cool..

Can you handle those baddies.. What should we do here. Definitely was more prominent in this game
than others and really gave you that.. Working together feel..

Another game that strongly
relies on that feel, overlooked a lot.. Is Chariot.. That I liked.. That she thought
was a bit tedious...

And similarly.. An honorable mention to Lara Croft and the Guardian of
Light.. It's a good game that I don't think aged well. If you are really scraping the bottom of the
barrel looking for things to play..

It's not bad.. Just make sure you use a controller. I've never been a fan of survival type games. I think it's been a visual quality level thing

I just can't get over the super blocky, grid
based.. Aesthtics that are common.. And a lot of the 3D ones are very.. Janky, indie
looking- so without a love of the genre- I.

Was skeptical before trying this next game
on the list.. Don't Starve Together. This is a multiplayer version of the original,
Don't Starve.. And puts you into this hyper stylized nightmare fueled wilderness..

you're doing a lot of what you would do in other survival games. Forage for materials, secure food, defend
against enemies.. And really.. Just survive.

Don't Starve Together has quite a few.. Interesting..
Things that can happen- which I wouldn't spoil for you.. But appealed to me more than.. Oh
no a creeper..

And I forgot where I read the term.. The game acts as a great story generator-
loading a game up for the night.. Play til we die.. Generally leads to some sort of situation
that you laugh off..

Because we cut down too many trees or the pigmen with forks got angry. And the last.. Specific game callout on this
list.. Was probably the game we had the most fun with..

And that is Final Fantasy Crystal
Chronicles. It's an old game cube game. This isn't an underrated game.. But an underplayed

Most who have played it.. In co-op.. Up to
4 people.. Know just how incredible a game this is..

It's been a while since it's been
released and isn't worth playing without someone else.. It's a game that I'm rooting for Nintendo
if they ever make a Gamecube MINI- to include so more people can get the oppurtunity to
play this... And since we're talking about old games here.. Neo Geo and Smash TV also are top tier.

And for the number 1 spot.. I guess in our top 10. We're going a little off the wall here.. Because
between both of us..

When we made our own lists.. And compared- something we both liked
a lot.. We both said it was sharing our favorite games and almost backseat gaming sometimes..
Re-experiencing them.. Through watching the other person play it..

Regardless of if they
were single player games or not... Sometimes we made up weird co-op rules.. Like swapping
the controller back and forth.. Or alternating decision making..

Or I control X character
and she controls Y character... But there is something about watching someone experience..
Say Journey or Shadow of the Colosuss or Link to the Past.. For the first time.. And they
are someone whose reactions and enjoyment you care about.

I know that this might seem like a cop-out..
Which is why I jam packed so many different titles as recommendations.. But so many people
enjoy watching strangers on Twitch.. And we found watching each other.. Sometimes as background

Sometimes invested.. Sometimes relaying walkthrough or achievement criteria.. Or telling
them to kill a specific NPC or use a special party member.. Or mad lib the character names.

Was fun. At the end of the list here.. I should cover my bases to curb some of the..
You didn't mention this and that game. Portal and Magicka are games people enjoy,
we didn't..

Honestly I think Portal is overrated as hell. Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes.. Overcooked.. Most MOBAs..

Rocket League.. Again... These could be games
that you might enjoy.. For us..

Both as gamers who can get a little competitive.. It's not
that we ever started yelling at each other.. But sometimes might feel like we mess up and
goofed.. And end up letting each other down and just didn't hold on to that pure positive,
fun experience that you want to have playing with your significant other.

We do things outside of gaming together to
fulfill that competitive drive.. So when we do play games.. We just want to have fun. So..

That's our.. My.. List of games. If you have any other great ones.

Leave them in the comments..

Too Many Games - Why Can't You Find the Games You Want - Extra Credits

Too Many Games
I often hear people say that "There are too many games coming out these days." And I don't mean that feeling of there being too many great games you wanna play and not enough time to play them all. That I totally get. I mean more on the sense of being overwhelmed of the shear number of games coming out every week I mean last week, we even mentioned in passing that the number of games coming out on Steam this year was getting a little huge. And I think that's a pretty commonly shared feeling that it's gotten a bit overwhelming.

Big AAA releases, handheld games, Indie games Big AAA releases, handheld games, Indie games
Mobile games, classic rereleases There's just... Too many. Well, yes, and no. It is overwhelming, no doubt but I wonder if the number of games is actually the source of the problem.

I mean, are we arguing that we want fewer games? That we want less choice available? That we would rather not have the option to buy something just because it wasn't everyone else's cup of tea? I mean, we have all found that hidden gem at some point that we thought was great, but that maybe nobody else saw its genius or even noticed. It seems to me that the argument can't really be that we want fewer games or that we want fewer people making them. Instead, I think what people are reacting to is that a lot of their favorite stores are getting flooded and it's getting harder and harder to find the things they'd be interested in amongst the sea of things they just really don't care about. And I think it's important that THAT's what we're communicating Because simply saying "I hate how many games are getting released" sends the wrong message to publishers, developers and especially distributors.

And, I for one can say, personally, I found a lot more games I wanna play in recent years because we've moved away from only giving distribution to people who could afford to put a boxed copy in GameStop. But if the number of options being overwhelming is the problem, how do we fix that? I don't think the answer is:
"Make fewer games." I think the real answer is:
"Get better stores." Or, more specifically, get better search engines for our stores. The truth is, as digital distribution has picked up at an exponential rate, the user-facing technology for many of our digital distributors started to look more and more behind the times. The iOS app store is the most obvious example and the one most cited when people talk about a flooded market.

But it's not the number of games, it's how woefully inadequate their search engine is. You have the largest digital distribution platform in the world, and in 2014, if you don't know the exact name of a product, even if you're off by just one letter, it often can't find it. How is that even remotely useful? And this means that keywords don't really work. Putting in CCG is only going to find games that put that term in their description or their title; not games that embody CCG as a genre or that a CCG player might like.

But beyond that, searching within a category isn't even possible. I can't even search within the RPG category for games with the word "Story" in them. Instead, I get everything with "Story" in the title in the entire app store. Because, yes.

"Bakery Story" That's exactly what I was looking for, thank you. It seems to me that this should be worse news for Apple than it is for the user. Whatever it would cost to build a decent search engine for their store has got to be less than the business they're losing every day because no one can find what they want. I don't want work there.

And who knows? Something could be wonky in the way iTunes is structured and fixing this problem might be way more expensive than I think it should be. You see what I'm saying, though? The problem isn't the number of games; it's that we have a 1995 level of ability to sort them. But the app store is pretty easy to throw under the bus. It's sort of everyone's favorite whipping boy.

So let's talk about the elephant in the room: the DRM we've all come to love: Steam. The Steam client's functionality is only slightly ahead of iTunes. Weirdly, if you use Steam in a browser, using Google search on the Steam store and utilizing some of the functionality that's built-in with every modern browser can actually get you a much more usable experience than just using the Steam client's search function. But I'm going to talk about the Steam client itself because I assume that's where most of Steam's hardcore audience operates and it's where Valve wants them to operate anyway.

Now Valve clearly sees the problem and is trying to address it with things like User Reviews and keyword tagging. They've also increased the functionality of their search engine and have been working on ways to better categorize games but there's still a long way to go to make the store not feel overcrowded. First off, it's a browser, just like any web browser. So it's kind of strange that you can't open up multiple tabs and compare games side by side.

Or at least not have to go back to the top of the new release list and scroll all the way back to where you were every time you go back from looking at a game. But that nitpick aside, it's a combination of the best functionality being buried too deep and none of it quite being up to the standard of its web counterparts. The "Recommended for You" section is a marvelous idea, but it's woefully inaccurate , even compared to similar services by things like Amazon or Netflix. More importantly it doesn't really address the "flooded store" issue.

It would be far more useful to have on the front page ... Section. Or at least have those games highlighted somehow. And while there is now a lot of good functionality in the search engine, allowing you to search by categories like "co-op" and "controller supported" or "Sort by Metascore" like the "Recommended for You" function, most of it's buried behind the three clicks it takes to get to it.

But still, it's there, and that'a a big start. Unfortunately, it's still missing a great deal that the store needs to allow customers to sort through the bulk of products now appearing on it. First, being able to search for "Games like BLANK" would go a long way. How many times have you sat down and just wanted to play something like Final Fantasy IV.

Or like Ikaruga or like Skyrim? Having a "Games like THIS" search option would help you find those because very often you know what you're in the mood for, you just don't know specifically what that game is. And sure, this is difficult to get right It would probably take over a year or two to get refined to the point where it's really spot - on but it would at least give customers a starting point rather than having to wade through everything that's vaguely in the same genre. Next, being able to search by Metascore is fantastic and it definitely helps, but a lot of games never get a Metascore. And today, with  the plethora of early access games, we're seeing a ton of titles that simply don't have that "At a Glance" rough seal of quality.

A 90 Metacritic may not always mean the game's actually great but you can usually pass on the ones with a 40. Of course, now that Steam has user reviews, being able to sort by percentage of positive user reviews would help fill that gap. You can even gate it so that the percentage doesn't show up until a title gets at least... 30 Reviews or something.

Again, this wouldn't tell you if a game is great or good for you, but it would help you not have to wade through some of the stuff you probably feel like is just cluttering up the store. And we don't have to worry too much about users "trolling" the system because Steam accounts mean users can only post one review per account and for any game to get caught up in some fanboy fight like "Call of Duty" or "Battlefield" their Metascore will be right there to call out the troll reviews. Lastly, since we have the comment functionality, I like to be able to search by frequency of a term in the user comments. So let's say I'm looking for an RPG with a good story.

Well, no Metascore or category tag is going to do an adequate job for that, but if I could search for games where the term "story" is frequently used in the user comments, that might lead me a lot closer to what I'm looking for. So, in the end, it's not the fact that so many games are coming out that's bad. And we really gotta stop putting it that way. It's the fact that our tools to sort through these games haven't kept up with the pace of games getting released.

And if I thought that it was impossible to give us these tools If I thought it was too big a task or economically infeasible for these companies to do, I'd be talking about other solutions. But I think, for the leaders in digitally distributed games to remain the leaders in this field, there is no way that they could let our abilities as consumers to search through their offerings remain so woefully behind what we've come to expect from other major sites on the web. In the meantime, I hope you all keep finding those hidden gems. See you next week!.

SHARK SONG on RAFT! Survival Game w Baby Shawn in Danger! 1st Night Minecraft FGTEEV GameplaySkit

I live on a raft, in the middle of an ocean Not afraid of shark attacks that can happen any moment... Gee Willikers, it's a shark! You're mine, shark! You want some of this shark bring it on ow, ow! You're going to buy me a new shirt. Look what you did to it You ripped it! Haha | So why you've been circling my [boss] anyway. What was that for? | Because you stole my baby? Oh, you mean this guy, well this is gonna be my baby now I guess you won't be needing this baby, then | No! What's up The Family Teamers, it's Danny and my son Chase He wanted to play a game called raft I was going to let him play by himself, but I thought of all of the dirt so wrapped in a game What you're stuck in ocean sharks have to like go around and around the raft? Sharks circle you and then he would like to see something here and here We go to play this stuff that you made older son tries to bite your raft you have to make it bigger and bigger and bigger I want to make a raft like that, right we start off with a tiny one Let's check it out chase, and I are gonna see if we can survive our first day and night at sea Yes, I'm gonna make a new world called Chase Too bad it's spelt 'HCASE' | Oh Well what I'm so confused you have this hook, and there's this little meter there with the food Water, you're in the water?! Oh, I see a shark out there, can you try to catch it? | No, he can kill me | Wait, are you in the water?! | Ya | Get on the raft, you psyco! Ok I see the wood over there So stuff floats by you right, and you have to use that hook to capture it.

Let's see oh Yeah, I got [one] I got | What'd you get it you gotta scrap nice, dinner's served And then gimme gimme. Oh, you got a plank you should catch a lot of them So you have a plankton and then we can rule the world? Huh Plankton, OH I need I need it back. Oh You are mine that what's a batch early release. What do you do with patches? You let a plank go by Oh got some stuff in there, you got a barrel You are [my] barrel.

Wool. What are you doing a barrel? Oh, there's stuff in the barrel. You got a raw beet I'm to make a rope or you make a rope with that leaf. What do you do with the [rope]? Your Trip oh really, so you're basically going fishing for garbage.

Yeah, yo own I want your use to come on. You got any what is that? Oh, you can pick up with your hand to two ropes one beat three planks for scraps and one Corey. I not good idea We can kill my chard with this. Oh my gosh shocked.

Oh go on the water See if you experience coming at you, [no] come on Lalalala Shiny Malarkey Tom tommy oh my goodness. Don't go far from your rap man. Oh my good Oh, he took back his coming taste. You better get on that rap Cream oh my doing it look at the shark.

Oh, honey, [alright] and get ready jab of go get wrapped around us It's biting you oh Dude, got close. I'm not dying all of your heart. How do you you're gonna eat that beat say ah? All right good your hearts filled up no. Oh, no my feet was sick not a good beat, but it was it was it was a bad because it didn't feel well ah Sorry man, my feet was so sick here you got it you caught the cold.

How do we make the rat finger come on? We need some action E. So barrels just have lots of goodies inside, basically. Let's see what you get Who's you got raw potato, it looks like a baby fetus Well since it's just one it would be baby footage. Sorry Trying to be grammatically correct him from getting a phone call.

Oh, it's the shark Hello, shark. Hey, how's it going? I just wanted to apologize for attack you earlier good Hey, when we say goodbye I'm just going to use the word fin instead trying to make fun of me or something yeah, Cos You sure it's actually I file justice Well, how did you do I gotta go I gotta go shark all right spin How are you doing that you made a hammer you press [B]. And you like go on D-Day them straight? So is this right? This is like your inventory? Crafting Table, ha Shockey Manake Stab him well he's so shiny. Oh, we did it.

I don't think he likes metal objects stuck inside of his body. That's weird oh, no, oh We got Palm seed oh no no no no No, no, no no no no no, we're gonna die Alright, so chase is thirsty so he's up you got it. You got to get some water no crafting Grasp it. What are you breastfeed? I'm gonna play this game.

How do we make a can? Empty team can what do we need? All you use all the scraps get that trap yes, I got christ I've heard of it. Happy getting scratched before is that scrap out there? Yeah? I think it's cracked It's scrap quick, okay? Fill it with water e, okay, wait do we need to make fight. How we make fire Huh, you're dead. Oh, we die.

We starve to death Dear let's try this again. What's up with your name is selling cocaine is isis ok [12-3]? We are making it Real American yet. We are making it crack the water purifier night all right now. Let me help Oh, so this is a water purifier nice kick.

Take Philip Philip your cam with salt water sweet now What now we put it in there? Oh It's cooking all night, so we don't need fire fires automatic Fire try to drink your water now. II I hear know How long is that the boil? 400 Try it's right drinkable water sweet eat filling with water Put it purifying that sweet sorry not a drink water now. How do you how do we how do we cook? Give us crap give this wet. It's scrap pick up the scraps oh Nice, I got stuff at a time.

You are my Now let's build a hammer oh You to hammer okay? So now we have a hammer so now. Oh, so wait. We need all we need a rope. Yeah That is very simple, so we just need rope In place whoa, that's a lot of rope and then what you just hammer it.

How do you do it? Let me see wait get some disappoint. Ya get some more plank I can go right on Franken and all you missed it. You missed it Now you missed it. Oh Sake a kid punch them where we need spear crap the spear? Alright, so we got weapon there.

Oh, you're missing some scraps dude It's done. Okay. Take [it] nice. I need some scraps Sat there, I got a scrap Du's got three stuff.

I got straps dude I got scrappy-Doo the brew What's up? Virtual Crag Waggers Dub fire Yeah crap this beer okay, and then we have a hammer and now now hahaha We need more put with any more of this and dude. I'm kind of getting into the street. I feel like I'm a program I. Want to hear boo ha ha ha dude.

This is exciting get that crap Dude is Etta apple autistic be no, that's a policy Good thing you held it in your palm We need to figure out how to eat potatoes. You're getting hungry. We don't have materials Yeah, so much barrel get him look at Shark tank in our barrel back up shirt Come on. Be raw potatoes inside yet.

Have to get a robert 80 inside a lot of rope Okay The tinkers don't be a dope you need a lot of ropes you up in a clean got it blow poke the ada potato Oh, it was wrong to date dark out. Yeah. It's dark in this game. Yeah, thanks gary so here I gotta do things ah There we go there.

No, I'm not Hahaha, no, I don't drink it drink at Wawa HmM, so delicious you cooking oh coming to our Check that shark. Are you coming? Here his Spirit Brittany May I call you Brittany? Oh, yes, you've got him What's this? What is this? You can build state what dude that is so cool. What did you do sacred right place? See, what is this? Cooking cooking spaceship crapped it Yeah, now we have a cooking station dude. No more raw potatoes for us right there get her off me There's a row seat.

Where's Petey Pete? Mommy Mommy Robbye Rooby-Roo, Guru Guru Cook that robbie. Oh my God this Is amazing let's drink it really quick nice. Okay, and I? Know number one Get cracking why aren't you Jewish so bad at this game. Thank you That's so sweet of thing that no one's ever said to me.

Oh, thank you. You're [welcome]. Okay pick up the cook three Now I gotta eat the cook be Beautiful. Oh cooking again.

We need it. We can only do one cookie at a time its morning Time do we survived our first night I fine Is this beep done? Hey, I. Have the e to be e to be I ain't no wrong because it could be with I can't be Touring know that you can't close anymore. Oh my God.

No, you can't master cooker. You're not deposit me. Yes, I. Know you Are not this plank and that playing that was it to first.

Oh, wait wait wait more blankies. Oh I'm sorry. I'm sorry man changes like that. It can I do a video.

This is do it I totally took it over it because I like this data so much fun. Oh my God are you dirt now? I get 10 minutes. Okay. Go off as long as you don't want to die Good make it better, Kara [Brittany] that pool Hodgman Brittany dog hater and seriously we got to make it big stupid okay, so he doesn't eat are our eater food Preparation I got least important.

Well, I forget the water build a better run oh We can get round we can get the water. Oh we need ropes. Oh, yeah. Look at all that bro Do you're getting hungry? We have any food no? Oh man.

We're getting hungry. Come on. No too far you didn't make it Alrighty guys, so this is our first and see we hope you enjoyed this video We are a little hungry So I'm hoping that a barrel comes by with some raw potatoes very soon because if not we are going to you know Steph so can we actually use 00? A lovely stinking litter Cyril Borrow His car will see us. We didn't we can't eat scraps well, Beggars can't be choosers But those are metal scraps real secular is exposed to watch in Peace now peanut Brittle Issue, I got stuck again you you're always there for me like a state farm neighbor wait What is that for making pillars piece if you alice Sepia and? After a quick shave In fact I wish I could shave that fast.

There's nothing to eat over here system Nasty water, oh ok not to rest And all that like a gay boy well You don't wish gotta be to go so it can't be date and don't cuz wheels don't work on frozen ice Frozen water is frozen right gotta be 41 something if she could be putting on hey, you got to talk I was talking why yeah you guys I can't come home says.

Minggu, 29 April 2018

Play Sega GAME GEAR & MASTER SYSTEMS Games in HD! RetroN 5 Adapter Review

Play Sega GAME GEAR & MASTER SYSTEMS Games in HD! RetroN 5 Adapter Review
Hey, guys. Metal Jesus, here. Now, since the RetroN 5 was released, game
collectors everywhere have been asking for support for the Sega Game Gear and also the
Master System. Well, now Hyperkin has released that adapter.

In addition to reviewing this, I'm also going
to show you a bunch of games that collectors that are new to those systems might want to
check out. Let's take a look.  [Music]  First off, let's have a little
refresher of what the RetroN 5 actually is. This is a clone emulation system that plays
your physical cartridges, and it supports a bunch of different systems, including the
original Genesis, Mega Drive, also the Super Nintendo, Super Famicom, NES, Famicom, and
also some really cool handhelds, like the original Game Boy, Game Boy Color, and Game
Boy Advance.

And here is the box for the 3-in-1 adapter. Inside, not a whole lot. Basically, just what you need, and that is
the adapter itself. Now, you'll notice it's fairly large, and
that's because it supports three different sizes of things you can plug into it.

On the top is the Sega Master System, on the
right-hand side is where you plug in the Game Gear cartridges, and then, on the left is
where you plug in those Sega cards. Remember that I mentioned that the RetroN
5 is a clone emulation system, so on the box here, you're going to notice that you're going
to need to upgrade your firmware. Not a big deal, not hard to do, but just be
aware that your entire RetroN 5 is going to get an upgrade. And then to play some games, you simply plug
the adapter into the Genesis slot, and let's start with some Master System games.

Let's start with <i>Phantasy Star.</I> <i>Phantasy
Star</i> is one of the benchmark RPGs released in the 1980s and is still considered a classic
today. There are many things to like about this game. For me, I really dug the sci-fi fantasy story,
also has great graphics for the time. It still looks pretty good, even today.

I like how it has a top-down map, plus it
has first-person interaction, both when you talk to NPCs and also the combat. And then, you can't forget about those amazing
3D dungeons to explore. It's a really awesome game. Check it out.

Next, let's check out some <i>Out Run.</I>
So, what can I say about <i>Out Run</i> that you haven't heard a million times before? This is obviously a racing game. It's based on an arcade game, and it's really
just timeless. People still love playing this game, even
today. And like all the other systems that the RetroN
5 supports, this also has support for filters.

Now, right now, you're looking at <i>Out Run</i>
running with no filters on, so in theory, you see all the pixels that you should, but
not everybody is a fan of that. So, let's go ahead and turn on some of the
filtering. You can compare the two. You'll notice now that the pixels are a bit
softer, maybe a bit rounder, and for some people, this is absolute blasphemy.

This is completely unacceptable, and I totally
get it, but, you know, there are times whenever...Maybe the game is a little more pixelated than you
expect, and at least you have the option. Let's go ahead and turn that filtering off
and see if you can see the difference. <I>Out Run</i> is a great arcade racing game
on the Sega Master System. Definitely check it out.

By the way, if you're curious, I'm actually
playing all of these games in this video using a real Sega Genesis controller. I love how the RetroN 5 supports this. And now, an absolute classic on the Master
System, <i>Wonderboy III.</I> <i>Wonderboy III: Dragon's Trap</i> is a fantastic platform
action game on the Master System. Things that really stand out for me are the
bright colors and graphics, the really nice controls.

I also really dig that the game is mostly
non-linear, which is kind of cool. It's also worth noting that this game is so
well-loved, so fondly looked upon by fans that it's actually going to be getting an
HD remake, coming soon. So, if you love 2D platforming games, and
you're starting to collect for the Master System, this is a must-own. I love my shooters, and <i>Fantasy Zone II</i>
is awesome.

<I>Fantasy Zone II</i> is not your typical
shooter, and I think it's pretty obvious why. I mean, look at these bright colors, and also,
you have some just crazy enemies, and the overall design is just unlike anything I've
ever seen. Now, some people would call this a cute-'em-up. I know not everyone's crazy about that term,
but for me, I actually really like these kind of games.

I think they're fun, something a little bit
different. Also, this game really reminds me of <i>Defender.</I>
[music]  Some other games you might want to check out, if you're starting to collect
for the Master System, of course, you got to talk about <i>R-Type.</I> This is a really
great version of this game if you like shoot-'em-ups. Now, one of the things to note about this
is that it supports the advanced FM sound chip, so this adapter will support that, which
means that the audio will sound even better. Sounds really great.

Also, there is a great version of <i>Shinobi</i>
on it. Now, it may not be necessarily the best, most
accurate version of <i>Shinobi,</i> but I. Think it plays really well. Super fun.

[Music]  Now, let's switch over to
another system. Let's play some Game Gear games, and we'll
start with <i>Shining Force.</I> Oh man, this is such a great game for the Game Gear. This is a tactical roleplaying game that is
considered one of the best on the system. So good.

It was actually remade for the Sega CD, but
we'll cover that at another time. Now, you may be noticing that the text is
really big. Well, that's because, again, the Game Gear
was a handheld, and at the time, the screen only had a resolution of 160 by 144 pixels. So, the RetroN 5 is actually stretching those
out to fill your HD television, but I still think it looks really nice.

Of course, you couldn't have a Sega console
without a Sonic game on it, and <i>Triple Trouble</i> actually is a really good one. Now, this was released originally as <i>Sonic
& Tails 2</i>, but it's basically a sequel to <i>Sonic the Hedgehog Chaos.</I> For me,
the stand-out feature for this game is the graphics. I think they just look amazing. Really colorful, really fun.

Now, some people complained this game might
be a bit easy. I personally don't find it to be super easy,
but then again, I'm not great at the Sonic games, but you should definitely check it
out. This next game I want to show is called <i>GP
Rider.</I> This is an arcade motorcycle racing game, but the reason why I want to show it
is to compare the different filters, because while I showed the filters being applied to
Sega Master System games, I think they actually have more of an impact on the Game Gear because
of the lower resolution. So, here is the game with no filters applied,
and it's pixelated, but I think it looks pretty good.

And here is the game with some filters applied,
rounding out the pixels and smoothing out the graphics. Again, completely optional.  [Music]  Here's a vertical shooter
that I enjoy quite a bit called <i>Halley Wars.</I> Now, I believe this is based on
a stand-up arcade machine called <i>Halley's Comet</i>, and it makes sense because in this
game, you're trying to shoot down the comets that might be hitting earth. What I like about this game is that the difficulty
feels just right.

It's not too easy, it's not too hard. Keep in mind that this game was originally
designed for a very small screen, but when you blow it up to your large HD television,
it almost makes it easier, and certainly it makes it a lot of fun. Another cartridge you're going to want to
buy is <i>Streets of Rage 2.</I> Now, I'm including this in here not only because it's
a really fun, side-scrolling beat-'em-up, but I also want to show you, again, the filters
applied. I'm doing this because, for some people, I
think when they see these old Game Gear games they might get a little but turned off, and
turning on these filters really sometimes can help.

See, check it out. So, this is no filter right here. Let's go ahead and turn it on. Again, it's total personal preference, but
it's there if you want it.

Some other games you might want to check out
on the Game Gear, here is <i>Shinobi II</i>, and dare I say, I might actually like it more
than the first game. Here is <i>Aerial Assault</i>, which is a
decent horizontal shooting game. Now, it's not going to win any awards or anything. It's not going to blow your socks off, but
it can be found cheap.

<I>Lion King</i> is based on the Disney movie,
of course, and is considered a classic on the Game Gear. And then the last format that this adapter
supports is the Sega Card. Now, I don't have a lot of these. There weren't actually a lot of them released,
but if you're going to support the Master System, you do have to support both formats.

Here, I have <i>Trans-Bot.</I> Let's take
a look. As you can see, this is a horizontal shooter,
but what's cool about this one is that it's kind of inspired by <i>The Transformers.</I>
Meaning that half the time you're playing as a starfighter, but then you can sometimes
transform into a robot. What's interesting about this game is that
your powerups don't last for very long. There's actually a limited amount of time
that you have them.

So, some of it's kind of luck, as far as this
game goes, and some of it's kind of skill. I would say, overall, I don't know if I would
highly recommend this game, but it is cool to have it in that little card format. So, you're probably curious how much it costs. Well, it currently sells for $60 through Hyperkin.

I'll put a link to their website down in the
video description below if you want to get some more information. As you can tell, I'm actually pretty excited
about this, primarily because I've been casually collecting for the Game Gear and the Master
System for a couple years now, but this is going to make it so much more convenient for
me to play it on my big screen television here and also capture footage for videos,
really looking forward to that and beefing up my collection a little bit. Love to know what you guys think, please post
a comment below. Also, I'd love to know what adapter you would
like to see Hyperkin make next.

Me, personally, I'd love to see them make
an Atari Jaguar adapter. That would be so cool. Love to see that in the future. All right, guys.

Thanks very much for watching this video. Thank you for subscribing, and take care. If you guys liked this video, please give
it a thumbs up. I would greatly appreciate it.

Also, you're going to want to be subscribed
to my channel because I release two...Yes, two! I'm crazy like that! But two new videos every single week on Tuesday
and Friday. Also, I have a website. Man, I'm just, like, pimping myself all over
the place here. Check out metaljesusrocks.Com.

Thanks for watching, guys.  [Music] .

Play games, win coins and get rewarded with skins!

Play games, win
Hey guys, Maxim here. So this entire video is sponsored, and that's
your warning right there, even though this service is pretty cool. So I'm working together with PvPRO which is
an eSports platform for Online Tournaments, Leagues and Single Games. You have a ranking system with ELO rating,
you get stats, achievements, badges, but you also get coins which is the the biggest factor
of the site.

Coins can be bought for real money, but you
can also get coins just by playing games, more on that later. To begin using the site you need to register
an account. If you register on the site with the RAF code
"maximbanana", you will get 100 free coins which you can use to get some skins right
now, and you don't need to deposit anything. Now since Halloween is coming up soon PvPRO
has arranged Halloween specials with some big prizes so it's a prime time to go on the
site to play and get a feel for it.

So now let's go through the gaming section. Here's where you can find a list of different
game modes, and the entry fee. You can join solo or with a team, and all
the different modes have a free section so you can earn coins without spending any coins. You can raise the stakes a little bit by adding
some of your coins to try to win even more coins.

But it's not a requirement to play everything on the site. I'll show you really quickly the 1v1 game
mode. First you need to accept the match, next you
ban the maps you don't want, and finally you start the game. The servers feel really good, they are 128 tick, I have no problems landing my shots, overall it was fun.

When the match is over, the stats show up
on the site. Here's another example for 2v2. I actually joined with a random dude who apparently
knew who I was and was very happy to play with me. Anyway the 2v2 experience was fun even though
we lost the match, but there was no problems with the server, and I was getting high FPS
all the time.

This is how it looks getting an achivement
and there's many of them that you can get. Now if you wanna go a little bit more serious
you can play in different leagues if you want which looks like this, and you can also play
in tournaments. All these different things will give you coins
and affect your rank. Another way of getting coins is through the
affiliate system, anyone that uses your referral code to register will receive 100 coins, and
you will receive coins for every user, based on what level you have.

The more users you invite the more coins you
earn from each referral. Oh and you also get a bonus for leveling up. Now this site also has cases that you can
open to get a free skin, and if you're lucky you get one of the more rare items. The good thing about this site is that you
don't need to open cases to get skins but I'm just showing you that they have it.

As an example I'll open the Trick or Treat
Case to show you how it looks. It's worth mentioning that when you open cases
the chances of getting something good are low, even though you will always get something
in return. I'll show you one last case just so you can
see how that one looks. When you get a skin you can decide to sell
it back, retrieve it now or save it on the site.

But this is what I would do with the coins, the site has a store where you can buy and sell skins. The store has lots of different choices and
you can filter it out. Let's take this knife for example. After choosing an item you get them through
trade offers on Steam.

For this item that I just got I'll give it
out to one of you guys. All you have to do is like the video and comment
down below if you're interested in the knife and I'll randomly select a winner next week. So in terms of it's competitive aspect, the
site offers a ranking system with ELO rating, the servers perform well, and you can play
alone or with a team, join leagues & tournaments, so yeah the competitive side is very good. In terms of it's coin system, there are different
ways of getting coins, but most importantly, you can get coins for free by playing games,
and with the coins you can get skins.

The site is currently in it's early phase,
and the developers are working actively to improve and implement new features. Oh and just to remind you, there's a lot of
Halloween specials right now which will give you lots of coins. So that was the video, I'll see you guys in
the next one, go bananas!.

Nintendo WiiHow to Play Nintendo GameCube Games on a Wii

Nintendo WiiHow to
Hi I'm Rokosz your "oh!" Digital lifestyle
expert and I'm here to show you how to play Nintendo Game Cube Games on your new Wii System.
Yep, you just got the new Wii, you made the investment in it, congratulations, welcome
to the club; we've got jackets. But you've made a huge investment in your old Game Cube
games. Well the one thing that Nintendo Wii did, which was absolutely brilliant, is make
their system backwards compatible. And the past game systems have come out and completely
forgot that they've made other game systems.

"Oh, dude who must play those," well now here
you can take it and move it on into a better gaming system, in my opinion, and still maintain
the things; and I'll show you how to do that. The Game Cube games are somewhat smaller than
the regular games than the full size DVD games that normally come with the Wii. You simply
put them in the exact same way. See if we can eject one out here, again bigger.

If yours
were smaller again towards the center and put it in there. It will completely understand
and read your Game Cube games; awesome. Now here's something else that I find very very
cool about the Wii is that, you know four games made with the Wii they do have the very
cool Wii controllers for moving it around and things of that nature. And you saw when
I was playing Mario here that I could move it, if I hold it like this its very similar
to the classic controller; theres no Wii type action its just I'm moving and hitting buttons.
But as we know with Game Cube they stepped it up a notch with their standard controller.
The three buttons on the back, got your buttons over here, two lever controllers, your D button,
your pause button, got all of these so how do you mimic that? I've got the games in there,
got one of the first person shooters, I use all of those things, but I can't do it.

ha, in their perfect quest for backwards compatibility if you look over here on the top or side depending
on however you sat down. A little secret compartment, Booya! Right in here is a place that allows,
that's for one of the memory cards, but allows you to plug in your Game Cube controller.
Boop, pop it in right there now and even the wireless one works put the wireless hub right
in there, and there are four of them so it's not just one to satisfy but you get a chance
to play all your favorite games. So hey sell that Game Cube on eBay, keep the games, use
your own remotes, it'll be great; Like me Rokosz your digital lifestyle expert. "Wii
you later.".

Sabtu, 28 April 2018

NEW How To Play PS2 Games On Android (Step By Step) Playstation 2 Emulator On Android 2017!

NEW How To
What's up youtube techsnix here & in this video i'll be showing you how to download and play ps2 games onto your android device so guys before getting started i want to tell you that the game will lag a lot & it may even crash so now let's get started so first of all, make sure that unknown sources are checked in the settings for this go to settings from here go to security and from here make sure that this is checked click on  ok & once it is checked then open your browser and from here go to this website so once you are here then tap on " weekly build repository" from here from here download the play.Apk just tap on play apk now tap on just once and now your download should start now tap on ok and wait for the download to complete so once the download is completed then just tap on it. Now tap on install once the app is installed* then tap on done and to download the game go to google.Com and from here search for ps2 iso now tap on the first link so once you are here then you can download any of the ps2 game so let's say if you want to download "wwe smack down here comes the pain" then tap on "W" from here scroll down and search for wwe smack down here comes the pain so as you can see the game nwo just tap on it and from here again scroll down now click on "Download WWE SmackDown Here Comes the Pain" so once you are here then scroll down and from here tap on "Download WWE SmackDown Here Comes the pain" once you tap on it then your download should start i have already downloaded* the games so i won't be downloading it again so once the download is completed then you have to extract the .Iso from .7Z file. And once you've extracted the iso file then.. Just copy the .Iso file to the play folder let me show you..

Just copy the iso file to the play folder.. Just drag it on play data files.. Hit ok and once the file is transferred then open the play app so as you can see that it shows the file to play the game just tap on it so once you are here then wait for the game to start it may take a while so guys keep this in mind that the game will lag a lot.. So now as you can see that the game has started so guys after this it doesn't load further so i'll be stopping here only.

So yaa.. Guys that's it! Thanks for watching .. I hope this video helped you! And if this did then don't forget to press the thumbs up button below & subscribe to my channel :D. THANK YOU!.

Maddox VS. MarinaWatch Ya Mouth, Beanboozled, and Doggie DooKids PlayHiHo Kids

Maddox VS. MarinaWatch
(Mumbled shouting) - Look. - My god, you look scary. (Playful music) - I thought it'd be fun
if we played some games. - Totally, yeah, I mean like, totally.

- First one is-- - Watch Your Mouth. - Let's play. - First thing's first should put these on. (Mumbling) - You read I guess, go.

(Mumbling) (laughs) One more time. (Mumbling) Dirty-- (mumbling)
(laughing) Alright, one more time. (Mumbling) Thirty-- (mumbling)
(laughing) Fruity Pebbles make me bashful, next. (Mumbling) You're not even trying.
(Laughing) Okay, one word at a time.

(Mumbling) What? (Mumbling) Loli (mumbling) Mommy. (Mumbling) Mommy made me-- (mumbling)
Eat (mumbling)
My (mumbling)
Mommy made me eat my dads? - Oh you got it wrong. - It says M&M's. - She got it wrong.

- Aren't we on the same team Maddox? - No. - Maddox we're on the same team. - (Mumbles) the color, the color (mumbles) - The color purple, purple.
- Yes. - Yes, yes, yes.

Purple pixie-- - Dust.
- Purple pixie dust. (Mumbles)
- Whooo! Alright, here I go. Who.
- Who. - Plays.
- Plays.

- Base.
- This. (Laughing) - Base.
- Base. (Laughing) (mumbles)
- Bees? (Mumbles)
- Poop? (Mumbles)
- A guitar? - Like a guitar but-- - Can't we just say a guitar? - Sure. Violin.
- Violin.

- In the band.
- In the band. In the band.
- Yes. - Who plays guitar violins in the band. - Yep, close enough.

- Bumblebees. - Love.
- Love. - Honey (mumbles).
- Honey highs. - Honey (mumbles)
- Honey hive.

- It's like a-- - Honey hives.
- No. It's like a circle thing. - Honey combs? (Mumbles)
(laughs) - Hinies? - Honey (mumbles)
- Oh, honey pies. - Furious.
- Furious.

- Felines.
- Felines. (Mumbles)
- Barf? - Hairballs.
- Hairballs. Furious felines barf hairballs. Done.

(Cheering and clapping) Next! - We're gonna play the
Beanboozled Challenge. Tell me how to play. - You have this thing and you spin it and you have to get that
exact same jelly bean and you have to eat it and if you think it's just horrible get the bowl, do your business and drink some water if it's really bad. - Okay.

Juicy pear or-- - Booger. This actually smells like boogers. - Actually I think you have a booger. - No.
- Swear to god.

- Just smell it.
- Swear you have a booger. - Smell it.
- No you legit have a booger. - I know. - Cheers.

(Laughing) - You're going-- - Oh, I can taste it
already, it's the bad one. (Spitting) - I think I actually
ate one of my boogers. Butter popcorn or a rotten egg. - I hate either one.

- I got butter popcorn. - I like, genuinely can't tell. - Strawberry banana smoothie or dead fish. (Noises of disgust) Every single one we have is bad.

- Next game. It's called Doggie Doo. So Maddox, you're gonna have to teach me how to play this game because I've never played before. - First get the doggie doo.

Do you like my mustache? - So what are you doing,
walk me through it. - So you gotta put that in there, take the doggie bone,
shove it all in, two times. No doo yet. (Poo noise) That's a fart.

(Poo noises) Oh I see it! (Poo noises) - Is it really coming out? Oh it's so close. Ai yai yai. This poop is not budging. - I guess it's really hard poop.

- Let me just help it along. (Poop noises)
(laughing) Oh!
(Poop noises) - Oh I won.
- No it's not out yet. - I won I won. - What do the rules say? That's right.

(Sounds of disgust) - That's a big one. Have somebody get a long stick. (Choking noises)
(laughing) (dice rolling and poop noises) (sounds of exclamation) Now it's time. - Okay, last round, okay? This is for all the marbles.

- All the marbles and all the poop. - Alright, you can roll first since I'm gonna win. (Dice rolling and poop noises) (triumphant horn noises) - I am the champion of poops. - Stay right here.

- I am the champion of poops. - Thank you for watching us play games. Maddox, did you have fun? - Yes.
- I did too. If you guys wanna see more of Maddox you guys can check out his Family Vlogs or check out the playlist
up here of more videos.

And if you guys have suggestions as to what the kid should try next leave a comment down below with a game. - Subscribe by clicking above my head. Bye. - Bye.
- Bye.

(Upbeat music).

Maddox and Marina Play Games #2Kids PlayHiHo Kids

Maddox and Marina
- [Man] Three, two, one. (Banging) - Well. (Laughing) (instrumental music) - Hey everyone, I'm Marina and, - Maddox. - And what are we doing today? - Maddox versus Marina.

- All right, let's bring
out the first game. This one hasn't even been
in a Kids Play episode. - [Maddox] Oh, then-- - So you're getting a sneak peak. All right, so, the object is
to bop the other guy's head, it will pop off, we're gonna
play three rounds, okay? And, fight! (Dinging) (banging) - Ah, I won.

- Man, you got mad with those. - All right, ready for round two? - Yeah. (Dinging) (banging) - Don't hit me. (Laughing) Can't get me.

- Hey, you can't do that. I'm defecting your attacks
this is Kung Fu, I'm-- (banging) Oooooh. Set. - All right, it's tied up.

Round three, wait, you're already losing. (Laughing) (dinging) (banging) - No. That was fast. - I won.

(Banging) All right, should we make slime? - [Maddox] Oh my-- - Thank you. Just squeeze it in. (Grumbling) Okay. - Food coloring.

Looks more like black. - All right, now, this stuff. I think you just squirt
a little bit in there. I'm kind of going off the recipe here, so we'll see if it works.

- That's probably enough. Oh my gosh. - Oh, do we still have that glitter? - Sprinkles. Ewwwww.

Somebody help me. Can I touch you-- - Please do not.
(Laughing) Maddox. - Da na na na-- - That's probably good, that's good, seriously that's good, Maddox. - Oh, sorry.

I like glitters. Okay, I need to go wash my hands. Oh my gosh, who am I?
- [Woman] It's just glue. (Faucet running) Somebody tell me what I am doing? - [Woman] You're making slime.

I've got clean hands. Slam dunk. - Your slime is way better than mine. This looks like a wad
of chewed up bubble gum.

- Stretch it, slow mo, oh good a bridge. - Oh. (Laughing) All right, I think we
are done with the slime. - I win the slime battle.

- All right Maddox time for round three. Pie Face. - Oh, this is a duel. Hey, I get the boys' side.

I'm the girl? - Yep, and I'm the boy. - I need to take off my glasses for this. - Yeah, good idea. - I wan, ooh, oh I'm worried.

- All right, we will do three
rounds of this too, okay? - Oh, shoot, that's a lot. - Nuh nuh nuh nuh. No cheating. - [Man] Three, two, one.

(Banging) (laughing) - All right, nuh nuh nuh. (Laughing) - Sh-dang! - [Man] Three, two, one. (Banging) (laughing) - Oh my god. Mm, tastes good.

- All right, this is for all the marbles. - [Man] Three, two, one. (Banging) (laughing) - I'm the champion of Pie Face. - Congrats.

All right, what's the score Maddox? - Two to one, we've got one game left, and if I win that, I am
the champion of games. - Have you ever played this game before? - No. - So half of the eggs have water, the other half do not. - So you spin it, if it lands on two eggs, you go crack two eggs on you.

- And if it says egg another? (Click) - Egg
- Egg - One egg, okay. Oh. (Laughing) Nice to know. Oh.

- [Marina] Two eggs. - Hey, I'll do it for you. - What? Safe. Oh, it went down my back.

(Laughing) (clapping) - Egg another. Oh, yeah, perfect. (Laughing) Perfect, I knew if was the egg. Pass
- Pass - Oh, darn it.

Two eggs. Ugly. (Laughing) - So... - Okay, it's two to two.

- Two to two. - Yes! - Egg. Weeee! I'm wet. - Does that mean I won Egged On? - No! - I won, that means that it's a tie.

I guess we will just
have to do round three next time you're here
and then we will find out who the real champion is, huh? - I'm gonna egg on you. Thank you for watching! - We'll do this again
next time, let us know in the comments what games we should play when Maddox is back in Seattle next. - Hey, hey wanna play Egg Wars? - You're going down. See ya! - [Maddox] Oooh..

Jumat, 27 April 2018

Let's Play ROBLOX #5 SAVE FAMILY OR PLAY GAMESNatural Survival Disaster w FGTEEV Duddy & Chase

Let's Play ROBLOX #5 SAVE FAMILY OR PLAY GAMESNatural Survival Disaster w FGTEEV Duddy & Chase
Oh, yeah, can't wait play me some Roblox. *Screaming* Wow. Oh. On second thought, maybe I'll just go get a burger.

It's... FGteeV! Beba ba leep bop beleeda Bop pllllhhh! Haha, but to play some new Roblox. Yo *laughs* Oh. New video message is waiting.

Click to watch. What's this for? Oh my, is that Lexi? Lex! Oh, oh baby Oh my goodness, Mother Nature's gonna destroy them! I don't think I can play Roblox right now. I've got to go. Don't go save your family, play Roblox, man.

Can't stay and play Roblox. I've gotta help my family. Oh, thank goodness. You're here.

You're gonna talk me into going and saving my family, right? I want you to... Play Roblox *laughs* See even he thinks so. Think you're right though. I'm gonna.

I'm gonna stay and play Roblox Let's make sure I made the right decision Chase should we save mommy and lex or play Roblox? Roblox [alright], I guess I did make the right decision. What's up everybody its fg TV buddy, and me Chase and we Are playing Roblox is very own natural disaster survival games the next mark is the [raving]? Raceway yeah, I have to do. Oh look at the real cars well We have to do is try to survive any natural disaster that comes our way [it] could be acid rain It could be a tSunami it could be a volcano. It could be a volcano [I] can't be a bag it could be a but yet a natural disaster, but yep Whatever it recommends that we do we have to try to do it to stay alive So it could be hiding doors could be get away from tall structures.

Let's see. I'm Gonna Rob you for the car Oh, I can't get out of the car get out of the car [ah] no fair you out of the car sir Sorry about that. I'm going to get my car. We're going to get my car.

Well. What is up with that car? [Oh] my goodness. What's up with the glitzy [Co] [ow]? The car just gave me a boo-boo looking at Glitzy car flash flood oh My [cable] [Bowing] psycho yeah, you're but one cycle. Go inside out like this, [okay] quickly quickly I'm totally about Nonono.

Oh goodness. I'm gonna drown. I'm gonna drown [all] right. That's cool.

Dude I'm I don't know how to do Roblox cars No, no, it's flooding. It's flooding okay twist a balloon. I have a balloon. [I] have a balloon.

[I] think I'm dead [I] think I'm dead whoo whoo whoo yes, no, I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm drowning. I'm drowning and I am dead yes, whoo, ha ha, ha So long everybody [I] have a balloon, so I'm not drowning Basically chase here.

Got me an apple. [I] let go of the balloon Yeah, chase got me an [apple] in a balloon the apple basically provides some hell once a game I guess and the balloon allows me to jump and glide so anyway now they have a little taste That's how you get it. Yeah, I did those signs you spit [a] [tea] robux. Yeah That's all right.

It's really helpful look see I can glide so now they have a little taste of how this works. Yeah And I didn't even know I could drive cars. Wow. Let's play for real now the next map is a glass office Yeah, look at that little ninja guy.

He's got Mickey mouse ears all right so what could this one be it could be it [could] be get to the top floor it could be stay away from falling floors Okay Jump want me to jump but I can't hit [their] roof out out the gang is look at that There we go, and [oh] acid rain stay indoors. Well that sounds very easy. [Oh], no until the floors Until the [roofs] start caving in no no no no no no no wait. How are we gonna do this? Oh, no, wait.

Wait. Wait. Wait. [Oh] my goodness.

I gotta stay indoors. I'm staying down here All right, so it basically it's acid raining outside, but our ceilings are caving in yeah You know what if I stay about right here underneath this door frame. [I'll] probably be good, right Yeah, because the door frame is not Gonna fall on my head. Oh, yeah it is Dude, I said [doors] [cream] not a door How'd you know a door was gonna fall on my head so look I'm this actually kind [of] like a cheat I'm just staying here you were trying to push me outside if the roof falls, I'm good Are you pinching my hand get out of here get it at him? Uh and now I thank good get out here like this No, don't get out of it.

All right, so I feel like I'm kind of cheating here This is kind [of] like a boring a boring one. I'm just gonna be I'm gonna be daring. Let's take a [chance] [I'm] gonna stand here underneath the roof and just hope that no roofs fall on my head. Yes Look on the top of the list I survived let's see if Chase can play natural survival Next map surf central.

Yeah, are you ready to surf? Get that balloon. [Oh] The [blonde] [yeah] get the balloon there you go all right. [Let's] see what the disaster is yeah, go on there You can make it stay in there sweet. Are you stay there watch out for sharks? There's a shark all right.

What's the disaster? We're waiting We're waiting to see no fire keep a distance from the fire all right dude Stay up there [create] a fire in the ground get up get up get up get up dude. Oh, baby Go, oh, you can climb up all right find this fire no This is like fire watch go up the tower Okay, okay, stay there all right dude Dude, I smell a fire if you stay in there look around you see a fire. I don't [know]. I don't know there's a fire This is pretty easy.

Don't go towards a fire. I stay there. Are you standing in somebody's head? So we just kind of wait here. Oh no the fire spreading.

What's gonna happen when it goes underneath you Chase get ready to jump wait guys. Just like [chilling]. Oh, do do [go] jump jump. It's falling its falling.

It's really not enough. Oh Okay, stay away from the fire stay with him in the fire. [I] were good. I stay right Right here.

Just keep staying there. Oh good. It's good jump jump jump jump jump don't go in the ocean I didn't mean jump in the ocean [I] told you not to jump in the ocean all right my turn. No mines here no Why don't you just die next map is [Sooni] Ranch [oh] This was a double disaster.

Yeah You know what a double disaster means it means two disasters in one game Did I know you don't get to choose? It's just telling you that it could be an earthquake and a tSunami it could be acid rain and in Volcano Well, you just played a new jump in the ocean [alright] my turn. We'll take turns You know [I] gotta be a game hog. So maybe we'll [unlock] [her]. I'm a butt knocker.

What is all right you ready and Knock all right, that's enough. That's enough of the butt knocking disaster warning keep distance from the fire So that's the first disaster. Oh, no, [wait] will it fall to the sky I? Didn't know that. Oh goodness.

Who is this is this the scarecrow gandalf? Gandalf would wise wisdom do you have for me today? Oh? Yeah, I know you just ditched me. I saw with my own eyes [-] thanks man All right, so basically we've got fire from a falling from the sky. I don't see the double disaster yet [I] [wanna] play and gandalf get away, you jump her in the ocean get it off. Just ditched me [oh], no [oh] this parts Gonna cave in that part's gonna.

Oh goodness gracious. [Oh] goodness gracious No, no, no, no guide safely savely safely. Yes Aha, I what's the double disaster jump dude. I think I'm like making it look at this guy up here Can I go in his head no? No? No sorry? I just knock him down.

[Oh], [no], okay? I'll just stay here. Hello Why are you chewing on my foot spider Jockey? He's smelling my foot. You should too Sorry pumpkin Good gegege [I] wasn't weird pumpkin by 8 x 4 3 6 1 5 I only saw one disaster I'm a fetty wap yeah. Oh yeah, baby.

No, sorry um [alright] Let's go now chases turn no, baby. Oh who was that? It's [the] island no this is an eye, and this is when you land see Lucky Mark next Map Lucky mark alright. Chase do good [kay] Chase I. Think [this] one is gonna be a hide indoors.

Let's let's see if there's a volcano Please be a Volcano no What does that smell like [hot] [sauces] cream hot sauce and cream? All right, stay there. Let's see what the disastrous Disastrous that's actually a word or what if your sister was an evil supervillain name disaster. She be disastrous is right Or if you had a cyst on your cheek, okay? I'm gonna stop wait dude dude Volcano Volcano fuck are you just stay right there? You should be good ready? Okay, volcanic eruption get away from the volcano Dude, I don't think that volcano can reach you. [Oh], oh.

Oh, it's getting close. Geez whatever - oh [gosh] no no [you] going to the ocean you're going into the ocean you just [dumped] in the ocean stop jumping ocean So when you die if you want to you get to sit here And you can just watch all your other teammates suffer. Which is kind of cruel. It's like hey guys.

I have a balloon I got no let's see if we can glide to it ready, and yeah, wait Maybe I can glide to the island I can make it I can make it shark Ouch that shark attack was pretty gruesome there. Sorry you guys had to see that fight so now Oh my goodness. Look look there's still that guy with [the] balloon see. I'm pretty sure everybody who has a balloon would make it Except for ones that jump in the ocean now.

It's my turn to play yeah I get to play all Righty this is Gonna stay away from the fire No points a high more And you jumped in the [ocean] again? For the third time Dude, that building is [takin] some crazy dommage Oh, no, oh no look. They're all gone Dawg [honest]. [Bye] next Matt sky tower yeah That's wrong from Everybody used to call me sky Dad from sky tower double disaster double power look at those guns You messing up my guns [look] if you get closing you'll have a big head, ooh [well], we don't even know what the disaster is do we want to go inside of a tower right now? Say, oh, this is Sandstorm buying shelter are you shelter excuse me sir? Are you shelter? Are you shelter? Which one of you guys is shelter? I can't find shelter anywhere. Oh goodness.

Oh goodness. I'm stuck well actually this one ow [I] was just I was just a [roll] block sandwich really quick I'm looking for shelters anyone seems shelter I. Can't find shelter sorry shelter I'm sure you keep doing this no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I. Can't find shelter in here.

Oh Yeah, you're right. Thank you chase. Thank you buddy, [and] one two three eat [apple] eat eat Did it wait did I already eat it all right? He doesn't wanna eat. [It] might literally feel like the last one alive [oh], hey guys, we've made it.

We're outside in the sandstorm without shelter, but somehow we're not even getting hurt Yeah, I want to be at your totem pole ready stay still guys wait wait. Wait. Did I just do it stay still guys oh Guys, let me on the totem pole if boom yay on a totem pole stop Jumping Nova [Center] was that the [the] layering of the totem pole because I was on top Nova was underneath anyways Roblox totem poles They're awesome. Yes, Chase it is your turn tsunami get to higher ground Disaster warning art dude.

There's a tsunami coming What did that mean? Um you [know] [Konami] the guy that makes the games. It's his sister Sue dude look look at this tSUnami wave see the way down there Look yeah. Do you're about to fall dude get higher you higher you higher quick alright stay on top dude I think you're gonna know I. Killed you by mistake you did it my turn look Next map happy home [alright] Okay, [chases] knock down the floor are the [next] map is a happy home are this looks kind of cool I will jump on to the roof and I can't quite do [it].

Maybe right now. Yes, I will stay here uh Slappy from goosebumps uh no fair guys. I want to go down the slide. Are you ready and one two three? Wait.

Oh that's corny. I don't get to go down the side. [Oh], [oh] fire. No.

I don't like the fire Yes, this guy catapult me. No no bravery right now. Go go. Go catapult me Catapult me See saw me She saw me hey, so I'll call you later the seesaw doesn't work very good.

I think that guy's is really heavy excuse me, sir I need you to lose some weight, so the seesaw will work don't pinch my hair I'll get a fire. Oh that's cool. Oh look at the cute little blocks on flame. Ooh, those are legos All right, Shake it.

I left job up to chase now chase his job to keep away [from] the fire Do I lose body parts are this raining body parts? Listen guys you can hear somebody in the [Conect-R]. We won yay. [I] don't know who that there's somebody talking. [I'm] kinect Well that doesn't quite look like a happy home now next Mac trailer park alright.

Chase you ready chase. [Oh] not again Chase [is] gone. Oh well Let's just not to go up high in case we have to get away from something down below And then if it tells us [that] we have to get down low to get away from something up high. What is that guy? Why is that guy all sparkly? I want to be sparkly [I] want to be like you should be do be do me I want to walk like you talk like you you know it's true doo doo doo doo doo.

[Oh] Okay, wait okay. [Oh], I just lost a lot of health Blizzard lizard. Oh, I'm dying wait all right cool whoo? It's so warm and toasty in here. Oh what [you] guys got cooking in microwave, ooh Chicken that look good whoo popcorn, huh, the snow still coming down all right Oh, no, the front of the house.

Just fell down whoa. What's going on guys? What are we looking at how come on? Why do I have a marshmallow and all you guys are like humans and stuff like feel kind of like. I'm not welcome here I'm wondering if I should Take a chance and run to the next trailer. I feel like this one's gonna fall apart any time now uh-oh Or not maybe it Made it next map For indestructible, this is our final game whoo That looks indestructible a tank in a helicopter could be riding get off get off of my tape no no fair Why is he get to ride it no good there? Do can you fire? [Oh] this is so cool? Why don't I certain people get to ride [it]? Wait, wait who are those guys now that's not cool.

Oh my gosh this tank has a mind of its own ready Yeah, I'm driving. I'm driving all right All right, so what are we into doing for indestructible disaster to keep distance from the fire? Oh these are pouring I wanted to earthquake. We never got an earthquake blue balloon. What am I gonna slow the [Ac] jump ah? Really cool if I coulda floated the Watch of a fall.

I'll fire fire fire. I'm not gonna floated the the tank up in the air with me. [Oh] No, I'm almost dead. I will just stay here.

[Oh], [oh] fires coming fire. [Oh] No, oh, no, fire. Let me up, okay No, no, no no get out get out. It's my fire get out of my fire get in my fireplace This is my place where I get away [from] fire.

All right cool that guy. [I] totally kicked that guy out of here I'm such a meanie in real life. I wouldn't do that though. I would totally share my spot with him all righty Hey, how they get up there? I can't even do that.

Oh fire can spread wait. What wait what? Okay, cool. Ah I'll just stay right here. Yeah, well, I'm on the bottom of the list Seriously.

[Oh] guys. Well that was us playing natural disasters [we] hope that you enjoy some of that fun that we play butter dum bum bum Am [I] playing with the green remote on the green screen? I just realized that [alright] guys, well. Thank you so much for watching we'll check. Yes there peace out really bad you.


- The sun is extremely bright and we cannot see
you guys right now. - Hi. No, wait.
Right there? - I don't know. - Yeah, right there.

- Yeah, right here. - We are heading
into Dave and Busters. - Yay! Fun! Fun!
- Without Daddy. 'Cause he's ditching
us for a lunch meeting.

So we ditched him. - Our phone's about to fall out. (Laughs) (bass notes) - [Tiffany] Hi, guys! - Hi. - [Tiffany] Are you so excited? - Yeah.
- [Tiffany] Yeah? Are you so excited? Your friends are here.

- I asked you if anybody
was coming and you said no. - I didn't answer.
You walked away. - No, I asked you.
I was listening. Oh! - [Boy] You can do it.

(Cheers) (chimes) - [Tiffany] What is this? - 'Cause we had both helped out. It was buried. I picked it up a few
times, then she tried and she made it stand
up so we could grab it. And then.
- [Tiffany] Aw, how cute.

- It got clawed on his
legs so we could hold it and it. - [Tiffany] Okay, the
question is, how many swipes? (Laughs) How many swipes, Sierra? Hello? Hello? - What?
- [Tiffany] How many swipes? - I don't know.
- [Tiffany] You don't know? - I wasn't counting.
- 10. - [Tiffany] Like 10? - Maybe more. - [Boy] Sierra, where is it? - Right here.

- [Tiffany] It's
really cute and soft. - [Kiera] We're getting a ball. - I didn't even notice it. (Laughs) I thought it didn't get it
until you said, you got it.

- [Child] My turn? - [Tiffany] Just what you need.
Another ball. - Yeah! - [Tiffany] Kiera,
it's your lucky day. What'd you just get? - [Sierra] Bonus. - [Tiffany] She
hit the bonus, 250.

- [Narrator] Lights. Camera. Action. Here's your photographer.

(Upbeat music) Every year we loved you
in that last thing you did. You look great in that thing. How about a couple of photos? Hey! (Cheers) - Look up there. Silly face.

- [Narrator] Show us the outfit. Yeah, who're you wearing? Beautiful. Give me more of that. C'mon, give me some attitude.

- Angry. - [Narrator] Yeah, fierce. How about a little mystery? - 70. - 40.

- Seriously? - [Tiffany] You kids
are having good days here. You just got the 500? - Yeah. - [Tiffany] Wow, that's awesome. - Watch.

- [Tiffany] Let's see if
you can repeat it, Bryce. (Chimes) - No! - [Tiffany] Uh-oh. - I'm doing horrible. No.
- [Tiffany] Nope.

- I almost hitted the. No! It was so close. Right under the pin. - [Narrator] Game over.

Every player wins. (Thematic music) - [Sierra] No! - Yo, what's up, my clan? Welcome to Wednesday. I'm here in Chandler, Arizona. Meeting up with some
peeps for some sushi.

So excited.
I've been craving sushi. I'm like, ugh, sushi. But yeah, I'm gonna meet
up with some fellow streamers. Talk shop.
Pick their brains.

Get some info.
Get the 411. And I don't know, I'd love to be able to
hook up with some friends while I'm down here in Chandler, cause I have a lot of
friends that live in Chandler. Gangplank, that sort of thing. But, I think time wise it
might be too crunched for time.

I might not be
able to squeeze it in. 'Cause it's about an hour
drive from here to where I live. So depending on what
time we get done with lunch, and I don't want
to rush lunch at all, but by the time we
get done with lunch, if I have time, I'll reach
out to a few friends. If not, gotta head
back home 'cause Bryce has
basketball practice tonight.

Sierra has
volleyball practice tonight. And I'm looking forward to that. I'm looking forward to that. - [Tiffany] So,
we're out to lunch, and this just came to our table.

For dessert. It's massive. - It's a hairball. (Laughs) - [Tiffany] How is it?
- It's so weird.

- [Tiffany] You guys are
going to be on a sugar high. - It's fluffy
and then it's gone. - [Tiffany] The boys
haven't seen it yet. (Children screams) Who's next? Who's gonna get wet? (Children scream) Bryce, don't push him.

(Children laugh) Bryce. - If he hadn't come back, he would've been
soaked 'cause of you. - Go, go, go! (Cheers) - Now I'm gonna do it. - [Tiffany] Oh, no.

(Laughs) Oh, geez. (Laughs) - Alright, guys. We just wrapped up
an awesome sushi lunch. And I'm here
with the Awesome Joey.

- How're ya doing?
- Really, that's his name. Awesome Joey. - [Joey] It is to you. - We're gonna continue the
conversation with some coffee.

And I'm back in my
old stomping grounds back here in Chandler. Ray Road, Dobson. There's a Valle
Luna right here guys. Awesome Mexican food.

We are at Coffee Rush.
Good stuff. Alright, back on
our side of town. And it's time for basketball. We're late to practice, Bryce.

Hurry up!
Oh my gosh, run! Run, Forrest! (Basketballs bouncing) Wow, look at this house. They went all out. That's pretty. Christmas is over, take it down.

So while Bryce is at
practice, going for my walk. I met my goal yesterday, so
off to a good start on Monday. Wait, yesterday was Tuesday. Oh, crap.

I'm off by my days. Yeah. I met my goal yesterday. I did not meet my
goal on Monday, though.

I'm telling you guys, if I don't go for my
walk every single day, If I don't do at
least one walk a day, whether it be a long one,
a short one, whatever, I just don't meet my goal. I'm just too much of
an office jockey at home, let me tell ya.
So what is it, January 4th? I think it's
January 4th, 2017. What's your guy's
New Year's Resolution? What are your goals for 2017? What are the things you
want to get accomplished? What are the
things on your list? You know, your goals,
your accomplishments. What do you think you wanna get
done by the end of the year? Let me know in the
comments down below.

For me, I don't really
have a whole lot of goals. I mean, people
ask me all the time, you know, in the comments,
or in my live streams, what are your new
year's resolutions? I really don't have any.
I mean, I really don't. I would say, if I had to come up with
something to give you guys, I would say a
more regular schedule with my live streams, right? So the people who actually
like to watch my live streams, they know exactly
when and where to catch me. Like, what days I'm
actually gonna be live.

What time I'm gonna be live. And then also,
on that same note, be on a more consistent
schedule with the kids and with Tiffany. I'm so all over the
place with what I do, 'cause I don't have a schedule. I literally
don't have a schedule.

Everything is
just up in the air. You can do anything at any time. I kinda want to get on more of a set schedule with
the family. Right? Like, kids get home
from school at 4:00.

Let's go do something.
Let's go have fun. Let's go hang out
for a couple of hours. You know? Make something
awesome for the vlogs. And then come home and chill
and separate and do our thing instead of doing that
for the first couple of hours when they get home and then
feel like we wasted our day.

Too many of those
days happen, guys. And you guys see it too. You guys see it in the vlogs. Look at that.
That looks cool.

They've got one of those
sparkly things in the tree. It looks like
fireflies in the tree. It's so good! Yeah, these people went
all out with decorations. (Children yell) Alright, so Aunt Chrissy
stopped by As You Wish earlier today and
grabbed the kids' pottery so we're gonna check
out their final products.

I'm super excited about it. Alright, so if
you guys saw the vlog, I'll have it here in the
cards, you can check it out, the process of them painting it. Boom! D-back! Look at that. He made a diamondback.

- [Sierra] It looks way better
than when you first did it. 'Cause it looks more real. - I kinda messed
up on the bottom. - [Sierra] It's fine.
- [Clintus] It's alright.

Let me see.
- [Sierra] It's way nicely red. - [Clintus] Woo!
Look at that. - [Sierra] It's bright now.
- [Clintus] Red and shiny. I like it.
- [Tiffany] Do you like it? - [Sierra] Yeah,
it looks really good.

- [Clintus] I like it,
look at that, it looks good. - [Bryce] Wait!
- [Clintus] Hang on. It's trying to
focus on your face. I'm trying to focus on this.

You put D-backs
on the side there? - [Bryce] On the bottom, I
don't remember writing the date. - [Clintus] It looks good, man. It looks good. Good job.

They may have done it for you. Sierra? Let's check out yours. - [Sierra] I did an owl
piggy-bank. - [Clintus] An owl piggy-bank,
Ooh! Super shiny, look at that.

Whooo, whooo. 12/28. There it is. Nice job.

[Bryce] There's some spots of
red that I still needed to do. - [Clintus] Oh, they
put the date on the bottom. 12/30. Very nice, kids.
Very nice.

I like it a lot. Alright, guys. So I am live streaming
tonight with Bryce. Him and I are playing some
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare.

A couple of people
are asking in the vlog, in the comments section, how I dual-stream to YouTube
and Twitch at the same time. I'm gonna show
you guys, real quick, what I actually look at.
So as you see, my set of videos, I have three monitors, right? This monitor's for my PS4,
that's what I'm playing with. Up here, we've got
both chatrooms, right? So there's Twitch,
there's YouTube. Obviously, YouTube is a
lot more poppin' than Twitch, 'cause I just started
on streaming on Twitch.

I've got two versions of
Game Show running at one time. That one's YouTube.
This is Twitch. And then down here,
I've got my dashboards. Alright? I've got all my
YouTube analytics going on.

100 People watching me here. I just got a new
sponsor right there. A shout out to
Nicolas for sponsoring me. Over here, we've got Twitch.

Got 24 people watching me here. My kilobits per second. If I was a partner, I'd have my subs and
everything over there. So, that's what I look at.

I've got two of
everything going on. But, there's also
a lot of other things in the background, right? Behind here.
I've got Discord. I've got music. I've got my followers.

All that's poppin' guys. This is all the stuff that
I'm looking at when I'm live. Look at all the
people saying, yo, what's up? Everyone in the chat rooms. Say hello! And just like that,
guys, it's midnight.

I ended my stream. I'm gonna edit this vlog
and I'm gonna call it a night. Thank you so much for watching. Hope you enjoyed it.

If you did, be sure
to give it a thumbs up. Check back tomorrow. I put together my new PC. Pretty excited about that.

HP Omen.
And, I don't know, I might take my dirt
bike to the dirt bike shop, depends on how long it
takes me, I don't know. Everything is kind of
up in the air right now. And then Sierra has
a volleyball scrimmage. Very excited about that.

Love watching
her play volleyball. So excited about that. So check back
tomorrow for that vlog, and we'll see you then. Vlog on.
- Vlog on.

(Upbeat music).

How Video Games Change Your Brain

How Video Games Change Your Brain
When I'm playing Assassin's Creed or Call
of Duty, my brain is totally absorbed in this virtual environment. But what happens to my
brain when I come out of it? Is it different? This WEEK, we humans will spend 3 billion
hours playing video games; 1.2 Billion people play regularly... 99 Percent of boys and 94
percent of girls under 18 lock their eyeballs on a video game quote "regularly" according
to game designer and author Jane McGonigal. That's an incredible amount of time living
in what amounts to an alternate reality for the brain.

A study from the Proceedings of the Royal
Society B that came out last December (I think it just came out in the journal - maybe the
study was conducted last December?) , Looked at the brains of gamers while playing and
offer another alleged turn in the thumbscrews of action games Their study found that
video game players have a less robust striatum nucleus -- the part of the brain that constructs
an internal representation of the outside world. Essentially, games aren't helping people learn
to map the real world, at least according to this study. Action gamers are using something
called "response learning" instead of the more advanced "place learning." To simplify, imagine you're trying to get
to a familiar place like a friend's house or your favorite restaurant: "response learning"
is when your brain creates a map using landmarks; but "place learning" is an advanced internal
map so you know to turn based on distance and direction -- it's the difference between
associating lots of little bits of information  "I have to turn when I see the gas station"
as opposed to combining that information into an understanding of the external world. These researchers think the action video game
players are under-developing their striatum to such a degree that it might affect them
throughout their lives; they may even develop a neurological disorder! Some news outlets
have called this a risk of Alzheimers, but that's a pretty damn big jump.

Heres the thing: for every study of games
negatively affecting our brains there are plenty of studies saying the opposite. A study
in July of last year in Molecular Psychiatry put gamers into magnetic resonance imagers
to reveal how grey matter was developing in their cabezas. They found a correlation in
the size of the entorhinal cortex, and left occipital cortex/inferior parietal lobes related
to their 'joystick years' or the amount of time they played certain video games. According to their results, people who played
more logic, puzzle, and platform games had a larger entorhinal cortex, but action-based
role-playing games had a smaller one.

The entorhinal cortex works with the hippocampus
to create memories and maps of your life -- so you know when and where something happened
as well as how it fits in with what happened the day before, or last time you met that
person. Another study in that journal from February of the same year found similar results
using games like Commander Keen and Super Mario 64. Science is saying, platformers and
logic games are great for the entorhinal cortex, even while action-based games aren't. That being said, however, the hippocampus
and grey matter in ALL video game players had added plasticity overall! Plasticity is
the ability for the brain to adapt and change neural pathways.

More plasticity is better!
And it's not just the plasticity, a study done with chimpanzees published in Science
News last month assessed how chimps brains responded to video games. After teaching them
to play a cooperative game, the researchers found cells in the chimp's brains predicted
what the next move of the OTHER chimp 79.4 Percent of the time! These chimps understood
what was going on in the brains of their co-op players. We KNOW video games change how our brain works,
but whether that's a good or bad thing seems to change as new research comes out We
cover this research all the time. For instance, do videogames make you more aggressive? Joe
Bereta explores that idea in this episode.

Kamis, 26 April 2018

How To Really Play The Heavy in TF2

How To Really Play The Heavy in TF2
Here I am, playing the secret 8th class in
TF2. Now, not a lot of people know you can actually
do this, but if you go into the class select screen, open the console, then input the Konami
code three times backwards, a new panel opens up on the main menu. Click that panel, input your Moms credit
card number, and it changes your class back to the Soldier. Play a real class son, nobody wants to main
Heavy! To play the Heavy, just point and shoot.

Wait, thats it? Where are all the weapon options and sub-classes? The different playstyles? Oh here we go, shotgun Heavy lads. Now heres a real mans strategy. The definitive way to play the Heavy Scout
man is to run at them with the shottie- this thing sucks. This isnt even something I should run.

Oh ho ho, boxing glove Heavy though. The definitive way to do something different
on Heavy Subway guy. All you gotta do is eat your footlong sub,
put away your Minigun, and just run at people, again. You just run at people.

This doesnt even work, you just die before
you reach them. Oh I think we got it this time though, the
Hoovy subclass. Using this masterclass of playstyles you
literally just sit there. Sit there and not even play the game.

Wasting a playerslot the rest of your team
would probably appreciate in this moment. Footlong sandwiches for days, but- What is there to actually do as Heavy, bar
shoot stuff with your Minigun? Its pretty fun shooting stuff, I guess. Yeah, its still pretty good, honestly. Just been enjoying myself.

Shooting some new stuff. Yeah, Im bored of this. Heavy is a great class even if it lacks gameplay
variety. This guy isnt exactly the Mario Odyssey
of shooters, where youre slip sliding, transforming into frogs, turning into electricity
itself, becoming a freaking Dinosaur Jesus Christ- You just shoot stuff.

Youre a bit bulkier than the other guys,
bit slower, and you come with a packed lunch too. Stuffs pretty good, got extra cheese on
this one  a dash of Love Actually- I think the reason Heavy stands out and receives
more criticism than the other classes is because hes more generic. Soldiers got a Rocket Launcher he jumps
around with  the Engineer places buildings  Medics are a class entirely specialized
to cause the most amount of stress to the player, and the Spy lets you disguise and
backstab others. Heavy meanwhile, gets a big gun.

And thats kind of it. Theres nothing wrong with that, because
many games have the standard gun guy you can play that just shoots stuff. But it stands out in TF2 because the other
classes are distinct in terms of their mechanics. The only class that comes close to being generic
beyond the Heavy is the Sniper, but even then the Headshot mechanics are a bit more unique
in TF2.

If you take the Heavy and place him side by
side to another big gun guy, the gameplay experience is more or less the same. Theres nothing unique to the class here,
no mechanic that adds that additional layer of strategy TF2 is known for. And again, theres nothing wrong with being
normal. But its probably why a lot of people dont
main Heavy or even give the class a shot.

In a game of interesting and varied mechanics,
brimming with uniqueness  the Heavy is pretty tame. HOWEVER. Personality is another game entirely. Think of all the Meet the Team shorts, and
how each portrays their respective class.

Now think which of these is the most memorable. Its down to personal preference, but the
Heavy is the stand out for me. The tense initial presentation, the eerie
silence. The sincerity he speaks with.

And the writing. [It costs four-hundred thousand dollars to
fire this weapon for twelve seconds]. Think of the most memorable lines across all
of the Meet The Team shorts [Thats how I lost my medical license]. Now think of how many of these can be found
in the Heavys short alone [I am Heavy weapons guy  who touched my gun? Some people think they can outsmart me, maybe.

Ive yet to meet one that can outsmart bullet]. This is where the Heavy shines. His gameplay might be generic, but his engaging
character sells the experience. Its what makes Heavy entertaining to watch
look at his facial expressions as he shoots, his cries as he fires.

His toughness and strength is juxtaposed with
his goofy nature. He is the butt of every joke revolving around
sandwiches, despite being this strange quiet genius that is somehow misunderstood. When you think of TF2, you think of the Heavy. Valve even put him on the cover of the game,
he is literally the posterchild.

Despite his generic gameplay, people remember
Heavies. People have fun times with heavies  its
why this class is primarily used when people play as friendlies. So even if I cant say much about the class
other than you point and you shoot- with the occasional sandwich thrown in, its still
a fun experience. I love playing Heavy.

I think a lot of people do. Theres a joy that comes from just simply
steamrolling the other team. You get on the cart, you have a Medic up your
arse, you get on a roll, and you just tear through them. Mechanically, theres not much going on
youre just shooting them.

But its a damn fun experience. Oh my God Daniel, just stick to your fifteen
bad facts format. I want to see you make a funny satirical joke
about using the The Family Business shotgun in favour of the Minigun on Highertower, thats
literally the pinnacle of comedy, its the only reason I subscribed. But Im just trying to be entertaining and
make original videos Im passionate about.

And the series format is just a means for
me to organize those videos on my channel, not a reason for me to do the exact same thing
every single time- Did you hear they made an even taller version
of Highertower thats even higher? If you dont make twenty videos on it Im
unsubscribing and leaving your Google Plus circle. Okay, alright then. Lets never try to innovate on this channel
ever again. Well keep every video exactly the same
every time.

Lets start the real video now, roll the
title card. When playing the Heavy in Team Fortress 2
dont. I
should probably mention, somewhere in this: its actually my birthday today. April 13th.

Happy Birthday to me  Im another year
closer to death oh boy!.