TF2. Now, not a lot of people know you can actually
do this, but if you go into the class select screen, open the console, then input the Konami
code three times backwards, a new panel opens up on the main menu. Click that panel, input your Moms credit
card number, and it changes your class back to the Soldier. Play a real class son, nobody wants to main
Heavy! To play the Heavy, just point and shoot.
Wait, thats it? Where are all the weapon options and sub-classes? The different playstyles? Oh here we go, shotgun Heavy lads. Now heres a real mans strategy. The definitive way to play the Heavy Scout
man is to run at them with the shottie- this thing sucks. This isnt even something I should run.
Oh ho ho, boxing glove Heavy though. The definitive way to do something different
on Heavy Subway guy. All you gotta do is eat your footlong sub,
put away your Minigun, and just run at people, again. You just run at people.
This doesnt even work, you just die before
you reach them. Oh I think we got it this time though, the
Hoovy subclass. Using this masterclass of playstyles you
literally just sit there. Sit there and not even play the game.
Wasting a playerslot the rest of your team
would probably appreciate in this moment. Footlong sandwiches for days, but- What is there to actually do as Heavy, bar
shoot stuff with your Minigun? Its pretty fun shooting stuff, I guess. Yeah, its still pretty good, honestly. Just been enjoying myself.
Shooting some new stuff. Yeah, Im bored of this. Heavy is a great class even if it lacks gameplay
variety. This guy isnt exactly the Mario Odyssey
of shooters, where youre slip sliding, transforming into frogs, turning into electricity
itself, becoming a freaking Dinosaur Jesus Christ- You just shoot stuff.
Youre a bit bulkier than the other guys,
bit slower, and you come with a packed lunch too. Stuffs pretty good, got extra cheese on
this one a dash of Love Actually- I think the reason Heavy stands out and receives
more criticism than the other classes is because hes more generic. Soldiers got a Rocket Launcher he jumps
around with the Engineer places buildings Medics are a class entirely specialized
to cause the most amount of stress to the player, and the Spy lets you disguise and
backstab others. Heavy meanwhile, gets a big gun.
And thats kind of it. Theres nothing wrong with that, because
many games have the standard gun guy you can play that just shoots stuff. But it stands out in TF2 because the other
classes are distinct in terms of their mechanics. The only class that comes close to being generic
beyond the Heavy is the Sniper, but even then the Headshot mechanics are a bit more unique
in TF2.
If you take the Heavy and place him side by
side to another big gun guy, the gameplay experience is more or less the same. Theres nothing unique to the class here,
no mechanic that adds that additional layer of strategy TF2 is known for. And again, theres nothing wrong with being
normal. But its probably why a lot of people dont
main Heavy or even give the class a shot.
In a game of interesting and varied mechanics,
brimming with uniqueness the Heavy is pretty tame. HOWEVER. Personality is another game entirely. Think of all the Meet the Team shorts, and
how each portrays their respective class.
Now think which of these is the most memorable. Its down to personal preference, but the
Heavy is the stand out for me. The tense initial presentation, the eerie
silence. The sincerity he speaks with.
And the writing. [It costs four-hundred thousand dollars to
fire this weapon for twelve seconds]. Think of the most memorable lines across all
of the Meet The Team shorts [Thats how I lost my medical license]. Now think of how many of these can be found
in the Heavys short alone [I am Heavy weapons guy who touched my gun? Some people think they can outsmart me, maybe.
Ive yet to meet one that can outsmart bullet]. This is where the Heavy shines. His gameplay might be generic, but his engaging
character sells the experience. Its what makes Heavy entertaining to watch
look at his facial expressions as he shoots, his cries as he fires.
His toughness and strength is juxtaposed with
his goofy nature. He is the butt of every joke revolving around
sandwiches, despite being this strange quiet genius that is somehow misunderstood. When you think of TF2, you think of the Heavy. Valve even put him on the cover of the game,
he is literally the posterchild.
Despite his generic gameplay, people remember
Heavies. People have fun times with heavies its
why this class is primarily used when people play as friendlies. So even if I cant say much about the class
other than you point and you shoot- with the occasional sandwich thrown in, its still
a fun experience. I love playing Heavy.
I think a lot of people do. Theres a joy that comes from just simply
steamrolling the other team. You get on the cart, you have a Medic up your
arse, you get on a roll, and you just tear through them. Mechanically, theres not much going on
youre just shooting them.
But its a damn fun experience. Oh my God Daniel, just stick to your fifteen
bad facts format. I want to see you make a funny satirical joke
about using the The Family Business shotgun in favour of the Minigun on Highertower, thats
literally the pinnacle of comedy, its the only reason I subscribed. But Im just trying to be entertaining and
make original videos Im passionate about.
And the series format is just a means for
me to organize those videos on my channel, not a reason for me to do the exact same thing
every single time- Did you hear they made an even taller version
of Highertower thats even higher? If you dont make twenty videos on it Im
unsubscribing and leaving your Google Plus circle. Okay, alright then. Lets never try to innovate on this channel
ever again. Well keep every video exactly the same
every time.
Lets start the real video now, roll the
title card. When playing the Heavy in Team Fortress 2
dont. I
should probably mention, somewhere in this: its actually my birthday today. April 13th.
Happy Birthday to me Im another year
closer to death oh boy!.
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