to play? Hi my name is Dean Hale and I'm going to teach you a new game called pirates liar's
dice. In pirates liar's dice you are going to roll the dice and you are going to try
to make a poker hand. Now on a pirate liar's dice the one's are wild, but as pirates would
have you do, you are going to have a jolly roger or a skull and cross bones as your one.
You would roll the dice, in a group, you would all have a cup and you have the dice in the
cup, you would roll the cup, turn it over and you would look to see what you have. You
would make a bid, for instance, if you wanted to bid two fives you could do so.
What you
are doing is you are saying what all the fives face up would be on the table. You turn it
over to the next person who is then going to make another bid, the would then say three
fives, or they could say two sixes, but they would need to up their bid all the way around.
At any point in time, as it goes around, if a person thinks that that is not the truth
what they said, they will call liar. At that point in time, everybody turns up their cup,
they count the numbers on top of the dice and they see if that person was telling the
truth or if they were lying. If they were lying they would lose a dice and it would
be put aside so they would only have four dice at that point.
If they were telling the
truth the person that called out liar, they would lose a dice. You play this game until
you get down to only, to the person that has dice left. The person that has dice left and
everybody else doesn't they have been declared the winner. It's a very fun game, it's a simple
My name is Dean Hale ahoy matey. I've just taught you how to play pirates liar's
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