Hey guys, I'm ThioJoe. And I've been getting a lot of questions [from] people Who [owned] Playstation fours and have been asking if there's any possible way to play Xbox one games on their PS4s? Whether it's an exclusive title or something like that now this obviously sounds ridiculous probably impossible But I figured out there is actually a way you can play Xbox one games on a PS4 obviously this is not something Microsoft and Playstation want you to know how to do but I'm going to show you how to do it in this video anyway It's actually really simple you shouldn't have any issues with it, and you don't need any extra [hardware] or anything like that It's totally free you might be wondering how this is possible now Consoles are [just] computers and they can run any program [you] ask it to as long as it has the right coding and games are just computer programs But a lot of times there's protections and drm management on the discs Preventing certain consoles from running it obviously sony and Microsoft don't want you to be able to play games on other consoles this is especially true for licensing for exclusive deals and they want you to buy the Consoles however at least on the Playstation 4 there's a secret developer mode you can enable to allow it to run any other Consoles game discs I've actually heard this been unofficially called Xbox mode But anyway Let's get into how to actually do this you're going to need two things Obviously an Xbox one game disk that you want to play and a uSB drive It can really be any size Now the first thing you have to do with the uSb drive is actually create a special text file so [that] the playstation knows What kind of disk it's dealing with it's basically just an information file So let me go to the computer and show you exactly how to do that It's a lot easier than it sounds [ok] first things first you want to go to the computer and put in any usb drive and make sure it's formatted It's empty as FaT32 It's pretty easy to just click format and once it's empty We need to go in and create a special text file to tell the PS4 what kind of information the [disc] is going to contain so all you have to do is create a new text [document] and Call It PS4 Underscore Dev dot txt and then we're going to open it with notepad Or notepad plus plus. It doesn't really matter [brain] that over and you want to type in the following information disk DvD-Rom because it's a Xbox one disk then type : space Xbox one no spaces and then mode DEV [and] That's it That's all you have to put in and save it type it exactly like that pretty simple hard to mess up and this is [just] Basically going to tell the PS4 since it doesn't necessarily know what kind of disk it is initially It's going to say this is a DVD rom it's an [Xbox] one disk And we only want it to work in DEV mode or else Or rather it will will only work in Dev mode and then now you can just close [that] out Make sure it's the only file in there, and then you are good to go [okay], so by now. You should [have] the uSB [drive] ready And why don't we go over to the playstation and I'll show you how to boot into the developer mode [ok] so We're at the PS4 and as you can see I've inserted a disc that it does not recognize it's my copy of NBA 2K14 For the Xbox one and it says Unrecognized discs obviously if we try to play it It's just going to say that it has no idea what this is it's an Xbox disc It's not supposed to allow you to play it now the first thing we need to do to allow this to be played on our PS4 is to boot into the Special safe mode on the PS4, and I'm going to show you how to do that right [now].
It's pretty easy ok so the first thing you need to do at your Playstation is to put in the uSb drive that you made with a special file, and you don't have to do anything with it It's [completely] automatic, and this is actually where any saved games will go because it can't be saved natively to the Playstation drive So they'll just go on there, and then of [course] I already have my game disc in there And you want to boot it up With the game disc in there the Xbox one [disc] and to boot into safe mode is actually really simple All you do is hold down? The Power button for about [8] seconds It'll beep a second time and then that will signify that it's in safe [mode] and you'll actually notice that the light on top is going to Change color from blue to actually green so that means we're now in safe [mode] and let's see what it looks like Ok so once you boot into safe mode this is the menu you will see do not click on anything except a restart PS4 That's the option we're going to be focusing on which is going to allow us to reboot the PS4 in Developer mode So it will allow us to play the Xbox one game So once you have everything set up with the special file on the uSB drive plugged in and your xbox one game [disk] we can go ahead and restart the PS4 it requires your controller be plugged in to select it so we can go ahead and restart it and Then now we can unplug it again and Once it boots up. It'll give us the option to play it So we just have to wait for that The normal boot up, it'll probably look the same, but it'll look very different when we go to play the game Still taking a bit. I don't think we can skip through this unfortunately ok all right now as you can see it's loading up the game and it actually shows a little xbox symbol next to the game name which signifies that it is a [Xbox] game not necessarily a PS4 and you might see some other minor changes on the screen. I can't really notice anything [that] Signifies that it's developer mode so let's go ahead and make [sure] this boots.
It's going to download some sort of update file [and] let's just start without updating. It's probably not going to apply anyway and [alright] so as you can see it's booting up, and it works. It allows us to play the game This is an Xbox game now on the PS4, so it works Okay, so now you saw we were able to successfully boot into that Xbox one game on the PS4 sounds crazy But now you can impress [your] friends with it If they don't believe you so why don't you guys let us know how it goes in the comments section? I don't expect sony to patch this but they may from what I understand it's actually kind of an important feature for testing so I don't think they would be able to remove it so don't forget to like that video if you enjoyed it and if you want to continue watching I've got some other videos on the right-hand side you can just click those or look in the description for The same [link] like if you're on a phone if you want to subscribe, I make new videos Monday Wednesday Friday So I [think] it should be worth it And if you guys want to hit me up on Twitter or in the comments section below I'm really looking forward to hearing from you. So thanks for watching guys.
I will see you next time have a good one.
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